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 We at Island PRG conduct our investigations with the following (standard) Paranormal Investigating electronics.


Digital Voice Recorder (s): This is a standard investigating device used to capture EVP’s (electronic voice phenomena)


(Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are electronically generated noises that resemble speech)


A JVC/HD Video Camcorder (with night-shot and still shot feature)


A Compass:The use of a compass instead of a EMF reader dates back to at least the 1800’s. It’s one of the oldest Paranormal investigation tools still used by investigators of the paranormal throughout the world today.


Digital Camera (s): Used in the documentation of case files, and field prep runs.


Notebooks: We use standard notebooks to conduct interviews, note phone conversations, and record theories, experiences and findings. When out in the field, we use the voice recorder to conduct our log’s – placing our recordings in a separate folder from the actual exploration and EVP’s


Flashlights: We use the Standard – LED flashlights & Laterns.



Handheld Transceiver's: Standard portable, two-way radio's (used in Environmental Field Trips)